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Kyle Theobald @Theo-art

Age 32, Male

Omaha, NE

Joined on 7/18/07

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Personally I thought there were way too many dicks. I mean, you don't need dicks to be funny, right? You know what was sweet though? That end scene. I mean, when I already have my dick out (as I usually do when tooling about the internet) I don't wanna see a gaggle of dicks at every turn, I wanna see Snake getting pissed on. I will never stop beating off. Thank you Stamper.

-Chase <3

You and me both :D

Dude you are so right =\
I just hate it
50+ artists united in epic collab and the reviews are just shit.
There were like only 4-5 cock jokes in reality...
BTW, I think that among all these gay-relations-based submissions, yours was one of the best...


It's pure ignorance, thanks btw!


I thought the whole thing was pretty funny, I wish people would stop blowing the whole "gay joke" thing with it out of proportion, I mean, there's barely any!


(since everyone is signing their names now...)

There was a set of boobs and a pussy, that should've balanced things out eh?


I did like your part for the graphic quality and such and then I laughed at Jack's/Raiden's reaction when Vamp was shot.

I was little disapointed because WHOLE collab to tell the truth, but in overall it's still a great collab. Also that kiddies don't notice "Adults only" nor "For everyone" signs that I always check myself before viewing anything so I can think what kind of material I should be excepting to see.

But seriously, your part was nothing when compared to the one about MGS4 where Liquid suddenly came and said "So THAT's why they call you Solid Snake" (forgot who made it so I had to quote a line from it).

Thanks! :D

The part you're talkin' about is MiddleFinger(something)'s, I personally couldn't stand drawing something so detailed, but I had a good laugh. He did a great job on the preloader and menu graphics, so I can't hate the guy. :D


Oh boy oh boy. :D


Happy Harry's was my favourite along with the one that was roughly metal gear summed up in about a minute, I prefer it when there are few dick jokes because they're just getting stale now. Except for Tankmen but yeah that's basically the genre.

Stale is a good word for it.

I'm certainly not in favor of the dick jokes, I just don't let them bother me.

You take a very extremly gay part in the collab.
Nah I'm just joking! ehem...gay...
(Gay but nice animated)

Haha, yeah, I didn't realize how played out the idea was until after I bought the series (I made my part before I played the game). Trust me, I feel very gay for making my part.


I wouldn't say those critics are homophobes, it's a valid enough point to find humour of people being gay (so commonly done with Raiden) or just some cock joke to be lame or unorginal.

There weren't that many though for a collab of 50 people, there was a broad width of humour and even if you hate cock jokes there was still plenty of other humour to entertain. Reviewers that low score just because of a few penises are ignorant.

I don't think many of the low scores were viewing the collab as a whole, that or they were expecting more out of something so large. In my mind the range of humour was spot on.

I liked the parts that didn't have dicks, piss, pussies or basic nakedness.

...It wasn't much, but still.

You have your opinion and I have mine.

My part was no exception. ;D

To be perfectly honest, I thought the dicks were kind of nice... I'd tap em... platonically of course. I have a girlfriend.

i hope part 2 has even more dick jokes, if only to watch these queers complain.

there was 5 dick jokes out of 50 submissions. FIVE.

Five dicks. Fifty submissions. Five-thousand angry queers.

In selected theaters near you.

I was tempted to comment somewhere so it my as well be here...

there's only something like THREE dick jokes out of FIFTY+. there's a few other mild dirty jokes, but 3 dick jokes total. I also don't understand the moral outrage over it. you uptight sissys.

Honestly I hate everybody on this site and when we get disc two out the door im not once even looking at the reviews because i KNOW it will piss me off.

I thought the dick joke was part of the NG homage, and suddenly you see more then one it's a full on travesty.

I share your pain. <3

I honestly thought it was pathetic how someone could vote so low for a few dick jokes and "gay" humor. It really pissed me off to hear things like "ya sum of them were good but WAHTS WITH THE DICKS ARE YOU FAGS OR SUM?"

Nice job on yours, I'm in the next part..... (hopefully). And mine happens to be "homosexually suggestive".

Newgrounders are very defensive about their sexual orientation apparently.

I'll be lookin' for yours bud. ;D

You know, if those people didn't want to see the movies with the offensive stuff in them, they could have just, you know, skipped them using those arrows...

Your movie was pretty funny though. I forgot about Raiden having artificial white blood.

It's a hypocrisy!

Thanks, I'm glad someone got that, lol.

We have our own opinions?

That you do, handsome.




I guess someone didn't read the whole post.

In my opinion, people who can't make a joke without leaving cocks aside are just sad and they're no real comedians. I mean, I can take a cock joke or two. But seriously..

That's just my opinion, though. I'm sure 13 years old disagrees with me.

Personally, I don't think that this flash had too many dicks in it. sure, that freaky "solid cock" part was utterly unfunny, but the rest was gold, pure gold. yours was one of the better ones if I might add. but some flashes here on NG have WAY TOO MANY "cock jokes". and I put that in quotation marks because they're not even deserve that title. some animators, and users for that matter, fail to see that not everything that involves a mans penis is funny. it CAN be, however, funny if you make it that way, but slapping on a dick and basically saying:" look, thats a penis, if you rub it a lot, sperm comes out! its funny!" is just fucking pathetic. and thats exactly what "MG funnies" did.

Meh, I saw what MG Funnies was trying to do, atleast they weren't total assholes about it.

Great, I'm glad now when I read all the comments on this topic, that the collab participants don't care about this whining shit


pfft NG is bred on dick jokes anyway cant take the cock don't play the game

the problem is not with the cock itself. i woud have had the same problem if it was chicken. imagine if NG was flooded with chicken jokes, and every artist would pop a picture of a chicken in every flash he did. would that be ok?

I'm pretty sure it's just the dicks.

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