'Ey guys, what's up.
So I remember bitching in my last news post about how detatched I was from my flashes, and how I've been overworked. Not anymore! I'm doin' pretty good with MGS out of the way, boy was that a bitch to finish huh guys? Mine includes Raiden, Vamp, and alittle bit of Snake. I've never played the game, but Blamformers was pretty nice and I thought I'd have a chance at being in something pretty awesome, sides, MGS is badass AUTOTAMATICALLY*.
I got a message from Stamp that they'd include my part in the whole shindig, but who knows, maybe some of your guys's kick ass parts will have bumped me out by now. I wouldn't bother expecting a message back from them now, the deadline is tomarrow and everyone's probably rushing to send theirs in before the rest.
.o . Hope not.
Since I'm done with any solo projects as of now, Aura-core has me working on Juzzy Animation Black and AuraCoreMusicLabs: Dual, you can look into these at Tarienn's page. He's got alot of shit to do himself too, he's workin' on his new game HaleGarde, and he's in need of a good programmer to help along with the coding. HaleGarde promises to entertain people, I've already seen some of the early stages in concept art and I'm quite conviced it'll be a hit! Be sure to contact Tarienn if you're interested in helping program.
Juzzy Animation Black is zooming right along and I'm expecting to get it out to you guys by this summer, or whenever Tarienn stops bitching about adding more(I still love ya' babeh). If I can get off my ass and maybe finish it in a timely manner, it'll become a series with another episode due to premier whenever pigs start flying, Zinger!
Lastly, Aura-Core also has me leading Team Starlight in AuraCoreMusicLabs: Dual featuring the song "Starlight" written by Muse. This is pretty much total BULL considering Team Bliss (Also by Muse) has pretty much all the ungodly talented animators, and we have a Puerto Rican and myself. HARDLY FAIR GAIZ. I dunno when this'll be done, but I promise it'll be some of our best work yet.
That looks pretty cool! If you wanna see a preview of my new game go to my page! It's really cool!